
Why Copper Kettle’s BBA Snowed In is a “must try”

Drink314 is proud to announce a new partnership with the beer app Tavour. Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through a mobile app experience. […]


Old Bakery Beer Co. debuts new pastry inspired brown ale

Earlier this week, I told you about the recent release of Charleville’s German Chocolate Cake Stout, a delicious foray into the ever-growing beer subcategory of pastry stouts. Imperial stouts laced with a dessert spin with […]


Craft Beer market continues to soar, and here’s why

Not that I’m making any money off craft beer, but apparently many others are. According to a new report put out by Allied Market Research, the global craft beer industry earned $108.91 billion in 2018, and is […]

Cooking With Beer

How to perfectly pair sausage with just the right beer

Beer and meat. The two just go together. In fact, October is National Sausage Month, and to celebrate the world’s sausage people are gathering along with the world’s beer people at the Great American Beer […]