It’s hard to believe that Urban Chestnut is celebrating a full decade of brewing some of the finest craft beer in St. Louis if not the world. They, along with 4 Hands Brewing, Civil Life Brewing and Perennial Artisan Ales, have become known as the Class of 2011. That was the year they emergenced from the shadow of the legendary Anheuser Busch.
Now, to mark the annivesary, UCBC has released its 2021 Anniversary Lager which according to Headbrewer Florian Kuplent, combines the popular dry beer trend of the 1990s with traditional German brewing.
“It’s an original recipe that we began talking abou late last year,” said Kuplent. “We wanted to do a variation on lighter beers and the techniques we used for them.”
The most significant additions to the brewing techniques was the mashing profile. “That step usually takes 2 hours, so we doubled it with this beer,” said Klupent. “Increasing the time helps breakdown the starches and complex sugars and produces more fermentable sugars, thus more alcohol.”
The result, a highly fermented 6.5% ABV beer that drinks smooth and balanced, and with a remarkably dry finish, with little to no sweetness.
The beer features a 100% German malt bill and a generous dose of Hersbrucker, Cascade, and Hallertau Tradition hops.
On the pour you’ll get a nice golden beer, with a nice foamy head on top. On the nose you’re going to pick up some hops, but that’s the only place you sense it. On the tongue, you will get just a hint of sweetness. Klupent says that little add is from the sugars that are left behind. It’s a full body body beer, that Kuplent says sort of drinks like a Bock.
The 2021 Anniversary Lager is now on tap at both the Grove Bierhall.