
Get ‘buzzd’ with Old Bakery and their new Rum Barrel-aged Belgian Quadrupel

It just seems like yesterday. One of my first articles posted on this blog back in 2015, was about the new brewery in Alton, Illinois. The brewery, Old Bakery Beer Company was unique in that it […]


80,000 oysters ready to invade St. Louis, supported by 10 new Schlafly stouts

Oysters are not for everyone and not every oyster is for anyone who loves oysters.  I happen to prefer oysters from the Gulf Coast or the East Coast over the West Coast, but I’ll probably […]


Beer 101: What is Altbier and where to find a great one

There are certain facts when it comes to loving beer. First, you’re never going to drink it all. Second, you’re never going to know it all. Recently, I saw a post on Facebook by one […]


Here’s a sentence I never thought I’d write: Why you need to drink at Applebees

Seriously, that headline was one I never thought I’d write. In fact, the only Applebees near me closed, and I’m not really sure when. But the fact of the matter is this, drinking is drinking […]