New barleywine expected from 2nd Shift, Perennial, TWCP trillaboration
Art comes in many different forms and can mean different things to different people.  Art can be a sculpture of David, a ceiling in Rome, a film by Scorsese, a photograph by Greg Friedler.  But Iâm a simple man.  I dig all those forms of art, but to me, the art Iâm into right now is the kind you drink.
By this logic, the men and women who make this art are the artists, and isn’t it wonderful that in the art of brewing, it’s possible for multiple artists to collaborate on a project, or dare I say, a work of art.
Such a collaboration was announced yesterday. A trillaboration, if you will as 2nd Shift Brewing, Perennial Artisan Ales and The Wine And Cheese Place are coming together to brew a new barleywine.
St. Louis brewers Steve Crider and Phil Wymore have teamed up to make this Barleywine at 2nd Shift Brewing. The Wine and Cheese Place is providing 5 fresh dumped barrels to be filled with this Barleywine!
The barrels will be 4 Roses OESO, George Remus Bourbon, 1792 Full Proof, Rossville Union Rye and a High West Double Rye.
It is not known how long it will age, but we’ll keep tabs and let you know.