The 2017 Centennial Festival features insane list of out of town brewers

Beer festivals can be amazing, a place to gather with friends, make new ones while sampling and discovering the best or the newest or the most experimental beers the mad genius’ behind the table can imagine.  But beer festivals, especially the big ones can be a bit overwhelming.

The Centennial Beer Festival, (February 17-18), now in its 9th year, is held in the Lafayette Square neighborhood of St. Louis in a restored malt house built in 1876 for the Schnaider Brewery.   There are multiple historical rooms to explore while you taste the 80+ breweries and more than 200 beers.  That is a lot of brew.

The festival technically begins Thursday with the  7th Annual Brewmaster’s Dinner.  This year the dinner is featuring Civil Life and pairs a five course meal with 5 beers from the Civil Life brewery and will be hosted by founder Jake Hafner, Brewmaster Dylan Mosley & Executive Chef of Moulin Events, Ryan Luke.   This event is sold out.

The rest of the festival is broken into three, 3-hour sessions over two days.  Tickets for all three are still available.  The math alone is enough to make you need a beer.  Or two.

The Festival Layout

The complex that houses the Historic Schnaider Brewery Malt House is quite large and the festival will be spread out throughout utilizing two floors.  On the first floor you’ll find the domestic and imported breweries from outside the St. Louis region.  On the second floor is where you’ll find the brewers that call St. Louis and the region around us home.  Among the 41 listed, you find most of your local favorites including 2nd Shift, Bastard Brothers, Bur Oak, Civil Life, Crane, Earthbound, Kirkwood Station, Leaky Roof, Old Bakery, Modern, Six Mile, Square One, Steampunk and Urban Chestnut.

The Brewers – 1st Floor

With so much beer offered, you have to make some tough choices. Last year we paid particular attention to the local and regional brewers on the second floor.  This year we plan to focus on the amazing guest list the Centennial is bringing to St. Louis. Of all the great festivals we enjoy in this town, we can’t think of another that features such a robust grouping of some of the finest brewers in the U.S. and from around the world.

Here is the list of those visiting our town, and beers we hope to try and check off our UnTappd lists.

Brewery: 10 Barrel Brewing Company
Hometown: Bend, Oregon
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Apocalypse IPA, Joe, Pray For Snow

Brewery: Against The Grain
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky 
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls:  Citra Ass Down, 35K, Rico Sauvin

Brewery: Anchor Brewing 
Hometown: San Francisco
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls:  Liberty Ale, Anchor IPA, Anchor Porter

Brewery: Ballast Point Brewing Company 
Hometown: San Diego
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls:  Sculpin IPA, Grapefruit Sculpin, Victory at Sea

Brewery: Belhaven Brewery 
Hometown: United Kingdom
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Scottish Ale, Twisted Thistle IPA, Belhaven Black

Brewery: Bell’s 
Hometown: Kalamazoo, Michigan
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Oberon Ale, Hopslam, Best Brown Ale

Brewery: Blackberry Farm
Hometown: Walland, Tennessee
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Classic Saison, From Tennessee with Smoke, Abbey Brune

Brewery: Blue Blood 
Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: All Hopped Up IPA, Wicked Snout, Pernicious

Brewery:  Breckenridge
Hometown: Littleton, Colorado
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Vanilla Porter, 471 Small Batch IPA, Agave Wheat 

Brewery:  Burnt City
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Balloon Boy Farmhouse, Face Melter Hibiscus IPA, Dick The Butcher

Brewery:  Church Street Brewing Company
Hometown: Itaska, Illinois
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Heavenly Helles Lager, Tale of the Shony Scottish Ale

Brewery:  Crabbie’s Brewing Company
Hometown: United Kingdom
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Original Alcoholic Ginger Beer, Spiced Orange, Cloudy Alcoholic Lemonade

Brewery:  Deschutes Brewery
Hometown: Bend, Oregon
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Fresh Squeezed IPA, Black Butte Porter, Mirror Pond Ale

Brewery:  Elysian Brewing Company
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Space Dust IPA, Night Owl Pumpkin Owl, Superfuzz Blood Orange

Brewery:  Evil Twin Brewing
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Imperial Biscotti Break, Molotov Cocktail, Even More Jesus

Brewery: Firestone Walker Brewing Company
Hometown: Paso Robles, California
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Union Jack IPA, Double Jack, Wookey Jack

Brewery: Founders Brewing Co.
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: All Day IPA, Breakfast Stout, Centennial IPA 

Brewery: Free State Brewing Co.
Hometown: Lawrence, Kansas
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Ad Astra Ale, Copperhead Pale Ale, Oatmeal Stout

Brewery: Golden Road Brewing
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Wolf Among Weeds, Point The Way IPA, Wolf Pup Session IPA

Brewery: Goodwood Brewing
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Bourbon Barrel Stout, Walnut Brown Ale, Brandy Barrel Aged Honey Ale

Brewery: Great River Brewery
Hometown: Davenport, Iowa
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Dirty Blonde, 483 Pale Ale, Roller Dam Red Ale

Brewery: Guinness
Hometown: Ireland
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Nitro IPA, Guinness Black Lager, West Indies Porter

Brewery: Brouwerij van Hoegaarden
Hometown: Belgium
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Hoegaarden Blanche, Hoegaarden Grand Cru, 

Brewery: Hofbrau
Hometown: Germany
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Hofbrau Original, Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier, Staatliches Hofbräuhaus Mßnchen

Brewery: Kona Brewing Company
Hometown: Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Big Wave Golden Ale, Longboard Island Lager, Castaway IPA

Brewery: Kraftig
Hometown: USA
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Kraftig Lager

Brewery: Brasseries Kronenbourg
Hometown: Obernai, Bas-Rhin France
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: 1664, 1664 Blanc, Kronenbourg

Brewery: Lagunitas Brewing Company
Hometown: Petaluma, California
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: IPA, A Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale, Lagunitas Sucks

Brewery: Latitude 42 Brewing Company
Hometown: Portage, Michigan
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Lucifer’s CuvĂŠe, I.P.EH!, Powerline Porter

Brewery:  Abbaye de Leffe
Hometown: Dinant, Namur Belgium
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Leffe Blonde, Leffe Brune, Leffe Tripel

Brewery:  Left Hand Brewing Company
Hometown: Longmont, Colorado
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Milk Stout Nitro, Sawtooth Ale, 400 Pound Monkey

Brewery:  Lost Coast Brewery
Hometown: Eureka, California
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Tangerine Wheat, Great White, Indica IPA

Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Company
Hometown: Fort Collins, Colorado
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Accumulation, Rampant, 1554

Brewery: New Holland Brewing Company
Hometown: Holland, Michigan
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Dragon’s Milk, The Poet, Ichabod Ale

Brewery: North Coast Brewing Company
Hometown: Fort Bragg, California
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Old Rasputin, Brother Thelonious, Scrimshaw Pilsner

Brewery: Odell Brewing Company
Hometown: Fort Collins, Colorado
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: IPA, 90 Shilling, Myrcenary Double IPA

Brewery: Omission Beer
Hometown: Portland, Oregon
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Bier de Table, Grapefruit, Ultimate Light

Brewery: Omnipollo
Hometown: Sweden
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Accumulation, Rampant, 1554

Brewery: Orkney Brewery
Hometown: Stromness, Orkney Islands Scotland
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Skull Splitter, Dark Island, Red MacGregor

Brewery: Oskar Blues Brewery
Hometown: Longmont, Colorado
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Old Chub, Pinner Throwback IPA, Ten FIDY

Brewery: Rogue Ales & Spirits
Hometown: Newport, Oregon
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Dead Guy Ale, Hazelnut Brown Nectar, 7 Hop IPA

Brewery: Samuel Adams, Boston Beer Company
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Winter Lager, Cold Snap, Porch Rocker

Brewery: Saugatuck Brewing Company
Hometown: Douglas, Michigan
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Neapolitan Milk Stout, Blueberry Milk Stout, Singapore IPA

Brewery: Shmaltz Brewing Company
Hometown: Clifton Park, NY
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Dead Guy Ale, Hazelnut Brown Nectar, 7 Hop IPA

Brewery: Seattle Cider Company
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Semi-Sweet, Dry, Pumpkin Spice

Brewery: Shock Top Brewing Co.
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Honeycrisp Apple Wheat, Pumpkin Wheat, Twisted Pretzel Wheat

Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Hometown: Chico, California
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Dead Guy Ale, Hazelnut Brown Nectar, 7 Hop IPA

Brewery: Stella Artois
Hometown: Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant Belgium
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Stella Artois Black, Vieux Temps, Horse Ale

Brewery: Stillwater Artisanal Ales
Hometown: Baltimore, MD United States
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Cellar Door, Stateside Saison, Why Can’t IBU

Brewery: Stone Brewing
Hometown: Escondido, California
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Stone IPA, Stone Go To IPA, Stone Delicious IPA

Brewery: Uinta Brewing Company
Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah
UnTappd Checkin Hopefuls: Hop Nosh, Detour Double IPA, Dubhe Imperial Black IPA

How to navigate the Centennial

So before your mouth begins watering at the thought of all that beer, here are some ideas to help navigate the Centennial.  We asked festival founder Jason Arnold to help us create a strategy that will allow you to maximize your experience.

  1. Look at the list for the most up to date beer list.
  2. Arrive early.  They will start checking in before the session begins and even if the beer is not flowing, you can get in and get a look around.
  3. Eat a couple hours before you arrive so your stomach has something to soak up the beer.
  4. Start at the farthest point from registration (2nd Floor) and taste against the current of festival goers.
  5. Start with the pilsners and lagers and Belgians.  Then move to the IPAs and hoppy beers then to the porters and stouts last if you can hold yourself.
  6. If you don’t like a beer, dump it.  It’s okay.  They will understand you have to save your palette.