
Peel Brewing ready to pour their new Munich Dunkel

In the season of heavy winter beers, there are still plenty of lighter beers being brewed. One that is out right now is straight out the Bavaria playbook. A Munich Dunkel is, in fact, a […]


2nd Shifts’ ‘Yippie Rye Yay’ doesn’t pay tribute to the Christmas movie you’re thinking it should

If you don’t like brew or booze, you might find my Twitter feed boring.  I don’t have a personal feed, just a Drink314 feed, which I invite you to follow if you’re inclined.  But that said, […]


Untappd’s #1 rated American Brown Ale is local and you can pick up a bottle today

Some people hate Untappd.  I personally love it and love the people I’ve met electronically all over the country as we toast one another and chat about beer on social media.  I also love it […]


America now boasts over 6000 breweries & more fun beer stats

The Brewers Association published its end of year report this morning announcing that there were over 6,000 breweries in operation across the United States in 2017. That number reflects an increase of over 438 operational breweries […]