Last year I was having a beer with an old friend, who has given me a ton of ribbing over the past years for writing about beer but never writing about HIS beer. My friend, you see works at Anheuser Busch.
While that’s not exactly true, I have written several articles on AB, including this one just a few weeks ago, I did not want to argue, so instead, I asked him flat out, “what is a story or a topic that you wish I would write about regarding AB.” His answer was one word. One word, that didn’t hit me at the time, but as I sit here on Memorial Day Weekend a year later, it really got into my head. The word was “veterans.”
His point to me was two-fold. First, he explained that he was a military veteran, and second, that despite what many St. Louisans and other beer lovers around the world think of the brewery and its beer, the brewery has had a long-time commitment to employing and supporting the military and our veterans. Coincidentally, I did happen to receive information this week, detailing exactly what my friend was trying to tell me.
So, in his honor, and in honor of all the vets at AB, here is what I learned.
- AB employs more than 1,500 military veterans across the country.
- This Memorial Day and every day, Budweiser also donates $1 on every case of limited-edition Discovery Reserve American Red Lager to benefit FoldsofHonor.org, whose mission is to provide scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service-members.
- This Memorial Day and every day, Budweiser also donates $1 on every case of limited-edition Discovery Reserve American Red Lager to benefit FoldsofHonor.org, whose mission is to provide scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service-members.
Folds of Honor is another organization I support both personally and professionally. My day job at KSDK is partners with Schnucks and Folds of Honor to raise money for these special military families.
Nationally, 3 p.m. (local time) on Memorial Day signifies The National Moment of Remembrance, a moment of observation enacted by Congress to honor members of the military who have fallen. In recognition of that moment, AB is shutting down their 12 flagship breweries across the U.S. – including St. Louis – to observe a one-minute moment of silence.
So, here’s the deal. On a weekend like this, I don’t care if a brewery makes 100 cases a year or 100,000 cases a year, if they are willing to salute the men and women of this country who have served and laid down their lives for me, who has not served, then I’ll support you, as I do them.
Here is a really nice video that they are putting out. I think it’s worth a view.