It’s not popular to say, but it’s part of our brewing history. The current American and local craft beer community may not exist had it not been for the success of St. Louis based Anheuser Busch, and the dominance of its lager, Budweiser.
In a lot of ways, St. Louis’ current beer community owes its existence to lager, which many say is the hardest style to brew. And to pay tribute to lagers, St. Louis’ own Urban Chestnut Brewing Company is hosting its second annual Lager Summit on Sunday, Mar. 31, 2019!
What is Lager
The lagering process is defined as beer brewed cold and bottom fermented with lager yeast. Lager yeast prefers cooler temperatures than ale yeast, and after primary fermentation is complete, lagers undergo a cool maturation process called “lagering”. This allows some flavors to round out as well as helping to improve the clarity of the beer. Also, it is important to remember that this process can be used to ferment a wide variety of beer styles. Not all lagers are light in color and flavor. It just so happens that the most popular ones are.
Lager is also a style, and is defined as the pale or American lager’s made from the lagering process. These lagers have a mild malty flavor, light or no bitterness and golden to amber color. They are typically served very cold and are described as being very clean and crisp.
Respect for the Lager
Lager Summit celebrates the style by offering beers crafted by breweries from across the country renowned for their world-class Lagers, and as well as talks about brewing history, lagering caves, hops, and more!
On hand for this year’s summit will be:
Bierstadt Lagerhaus
Olde Mecklenburg
Dovetail Brewery
Firestone Walker
Live Oak
A-B Research Brewery
Narrow Gauge
KC Bier Co.
Notch Brewing
2nd Shift
Stubborn German
The Austin Biergarten Brewing Co. (The ABGB)
Rockwell Beer Co.
Wellspent Brewing Co.
Sudwerk Brewing Co.
Speakers and topics
- Tracy Lauer (A-B Historian) – American Lager History
- Val Peacock (Hop Solutions, Inc.) – Hops
- CAIRN – Lagering Caves of St. Louis
- Florian Kuplent (Urban Chestnut) – Brewing Bock Beer
- John Hannafan (Siebel Institute) – TBD
- Cameron Collins (Distilled History) – St. Louis Brewery History
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