Beer festivals can be amazing, a place to gather with friends, make new ones while sampling and discovering the best or the newest or the most experimental beers the mad genius’ behind the table can imagine. But beer festivals, especially the big ones can be a bit overwhelming.
The Centennial Beer Festival, (February 19-24), is getting set for its 10th year, and perhaps its biggest and this week tickets to the big event officially went on sale.
The festival is held in the Lafayette Square neighborhood of St. Louis in a restored malt house built in 1876 for the Schnaider Brewery. There are multiple historical rooms to explore while you taste the 80+ breweries and more than 200 beers. Right now the work of determining who is bringing what is underway, so be sure to check Drink314’s feed for updates on the brewery and pour lists.
Once again the festival will be working with the St. Louis Area Food Bank to raise money for those in need and appreciate any support to get the word out.
Current Schedule
Monday, February 19th, 2018 | St. Louis Brewer’s Guild Annual Summit | 6 p.m.
Enjoy a social, entertaining, informative and tasty evening as the St. Louis Brewery pioneers and trailblazers of the St. Louis Brewer’s Guild gather for their annual Summit. Held at Moulin Events. Limited tickets include sample beer tasting. More information and tickets visit stlbg.com
Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 Yoga Buzz 6:30 p.m. | $20.00
Kick off the Centennial Beer Festival with a very special Yoga + Beer Event! Unroll your mat in the beautiful Centennial Ballroom for an all-levels, hour-long yoga class. After yoga, enjoy a complimentary sampling of beers from a number of different local breweries. More information and tickets coming soon!
Thursday, February 22nd, 2018 | Brewmaster Five Course Dinner featuring Cathedral Square
This marks the 9th year we have hosted a local brewery to kick-off the Centennial Beer Festival.
6 p.m.
Brewmaster Five Course Dinner
Friday, February 23rd, 2018 | Evening: 6 – 9 p.m. | Beer Tasting & Home Brewer’s Competition
4th Annual Home Brewer’s Competition
(Included with your Friday ticket)
Taste & Vote for your favorite homebrew. The winner will be featured at 21st Street Brewers Bar!
Saturday, February 24th, 2018
Afternoon: 2 – 5 p.m.
Beer Tasting
Evening: 6 – 9 p.m.
Beer Tasting
(Sold out last year)
VIP Experience
Limited Availability
Extra $25.00
New this year!
Cellared Beer Releases at all Festival Tastings:
Included with your ticket will be hourly tastings from the 21st Street Brewers Bar Cellar of finely aged beers.
Serving rare, limited release & vintage selections. Special tasting glass and food included.
New this year!
Local Brewers Brunch
Saturday, February 24th, 2018
Call 314-241-8989 for reservations (starting 12/1)
Show your 2018 festival tasting ticket and get $5 refunded at Brunch.*
Join us prior to Saturday afternoon’s session for an exclusive Local Brewers Brunch at Vin de Set Rooftop Bar & Bistro. While others are waiting in line you will be enjoying a pre-festival three course brunch paired with special beer selections from 4 Hands, Modern and Urban Chestnut. Finish off Brunch with our dessert tasting buffet featuring Charleville and Schlafly beers among others. Beer, cool swag and easy entry into the festival tasting floor.
*One $5 pp refund only/Not good on other brunch dates/No show-Cancel after 2/22
$25 charge pp
Local Brewers Brunch
Noon – 1 p.m.