
Wild Bacon Wine Trail tickets are selling fast!

I used to never give food pairings much thought.  Wine, beer, whiskey, paired with food, I figured it was just nonsense.  Then, in October 2015 my wife treated me to a birthday surprise featuring the […]


Midwest Maifest brings together some of the best local breweries, wineries and distilleries

Maifest is a traditional German Festival marking the end of the long dark winter and the beginning of warm weather and springtime. It’s a time of reawakening and joy! Best of all, it’s a fun reason […]


Descriptions and info on Schlafly’s 10 specialty brews for Stout and Oyster Fest

Schlafly Beer’s 20th annual Stout and continues Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Among the many stouts you can try today, are 10 specialty stouts brewed just for this weekend? Related: Info about the […]