
Your Sunday 6er: Six local brews to drink this week

Drink 314 is so proud to announce that we are joining forces with to bring you a new weekly feature we’re calling Your Sunday 6er, which will feature six local or regional beers that we […]


(Lots of) Beer + yoga coming together at Centennial Beer Festival 2016

What’s better than enjoying amazing craft beer? Enjoying that amazing beer while talking about it with the men or women who actually made it.  That’s the basic idea behind the Centennial Beer Festival, now in […]


Heritage Festival moving downtown under the Arch

There is just something I like about enjoying a brew down by the river.  And that is why I’m thrilled that Troika Brodsky and the St. Louis Brewers Guild are moving their annual beer festival […]


Your Sunday 6er: Six local brews to drink this week

Drink 314 is so proud to announce that we are joining forces with to bring you a new weekly feature we’re calling Your Sunday 6er, which will feature six local or regional beers that we […]


View With A Brew: What beer goes best with a David Bowie flick?

You can enjoy more beer and movie pairings every Monday at  Movie Tagline: “Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems.” Labyrinth is everything you could possibly hope for from a collaboration between Jim […]


STL inventor keeping “Bombers” colder, longer

You’re in the beer section of your favorite store perusing the selections of six packs, 12 packs, cases of cans or bottles, artistic logos vying for your attention, screaming “try me.”  You move down aisle, […]


New brews this month at Saint Louis Hop Shop

It appears brothers Justin Harris and Ryan Griffin have set up another great month for their beer loving fans and customers, once again living up to their motto or “Good People, Good Beer, Good Times.” […]


Brewery Showcase | Alpha Brewing Company

The first thought I had when I Google mapped Alpha Brewing Company in downtown St. Louis was “where the heck is 1409 Washington Ave?”  Because that is the address Google gives you, but take a stroll […]


View with a brew: Unibroue La Fin Du Monde + The World’s End (2013)

You can enjoy more beer and movie pairings every Monday at Movie Tagline: Good food.  Fine ales.  Total annihilation. Unibroue is iconic.  There is no other way to say it.  They have been making […]