Dark As Funk in bottles coming soon

Dark as Funk from Missouri Beer Co.

Dark As Funk in bottles coming soon

You never know what will come out of messing around in the kitchen.

“Well this beer started out as a “kitchen sink beer”, basically a mishmash of open bags of grain mixed together to use them up.”

That’s how Dave Johnson, co-founder and brewmaster at Missouri Beer Company describes the origin story of Dark As Funk, his new Bourbon Barrel aged Black Ale with Brett.

“We also had a few barrels dropped on us that needed to get filled. So two of the barrels we got from Dogmaster in Columbia, and 4 Jim Beam barrels. The Dogmaster barrels became the French Toast Stout for Beer Sauce Shop that we released in the first quarter. This beer came from the Beam barrels.

What makes Dark As Funk so unique is that the beer picked up some wild Brett from 2 of the Beam barrels. It dried it out a lot more than the French toast beer, but in a good way. “I call it a Imperial Black ale because it really isn’t a Stout, but it sorta is,” said Johnson.  “There isn’t too many BBA Black ales with Brett. The Brett is really subtle, it might come out some more with age.”

Dark As Funk

If you’ve been enjoying Missouri Beer for awhile, you may recall Dave’s Black Saison. It was one of the first beers brewed when the brewery opened. “I figured this could be version #2. I like the play on words,” said Johson in reference to the name of the brew.

Tasting Notes

How does the beer pour?  Very dark black, tan head.

Describe this beer’s bouquet? Bourbon, vanilla, oak and a little funk.

What flavors can we expect? A very complex flavor of the Bourbon and Oak, with a smooth maltyness and a semi dry finish. Let it warm up a little for the dark fruit and caramel to come out.

Where to find?

You can get it at the Taproom on draft right now, the bottles will be released probably sometime in mid July. They are working on the outlets now.

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