I believe it was the 1999 film, The Insider, starring Al Pacino and Russell Crowe that coined the phrase, “nicotine delivery system,” to define what a cigarette really was. I always remembered that line, knowing that one day I would need it. That day has finally come. I am now hooked on my newest “alcohol delivery system,” and that is ice cream.
Recently, Clementine’s Naughty & Nice Creamery released two new flavors, one just in time for today’s St. Patrick’s Day. The Grasshoppa is inspired by the retro cocktail. This minty, chocolate, naughty flavor features green creme de menthe (mint liquor) and white creme de cacao (chocolate liquor).
This boozy ice cream is sold in pints and to-go. Owner Tamara Keefe says “I have a special trade secret process of freezing alcohol into our ice cream up to 18%. It took me six months to develop the process, mainly stemming from being surrounded by and working with the best in the food science industry.”
Next, if you just Google “PBR Ice Cream” you’ll find this.
So, it is safe to say that when Clementine’s decided to create their new PBR Coffee Ice Milk flavored ice cream, they were working with an original idea.
“PBR is our industry’s standard for end of the shifts,” said Keefe. “After a long day in the kitchen, most chefs and restaurateurs reach for their favorite, Pabst Blue Ribbon! This flavor is a homage to all of my hard-working culinary brothers and sisters out there making the most of this bizarre time.”
This new ice cream is one Keefe and her team have wanted to make for years.
“Working with beer and Ice cream is slightly different from booze and ice cream because beer has a complex flavor profile that sometimes is quite bitter and almost breadlike. Making dairy harmonize with those notes is a definite challenge,” said Keefe.
The caffeine boost makes you a little excited and the beer finish levels you out. Combining the two makes for a fun morning or night! Whether you’re a chef, a culinarian, or just a good old-fashioned food and beer fan relax, take your apron off, clock out, and enjoy.