IndiHop 2018 harnesses the creativity and vibrancy of both Cherokee Street and The Grove, uniting both in the name of good taste and good beer.
All the fun is this Saturday, June 2nd from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Tickets are available online and cost just between $20 and $30.
We reached out to every participating brewery, and here’s the pour list so far.
2nd Shift Brewing Co.
- Art of Neurosis IPA
- Little Big Hop Session New England Style IPA
4 Hands Brewing Co.
Alpha Brewing Co.
Black River Cider Co.
Charleville Brewing Co.
- Box of Chocolate ~ Chocolate Belgian Quad
- Rye by Night ~ Black IPA
Civil Life Brewing Co.
Earthbound Brewing Co.
Open Source Brown Ale
Heavy Riff Brewing
- Zumana Stout which is a Belgian Style milk stout
- Chuckin’ Berries which is a Farmhouse Ale with raspberries and blueberries
Logboat Brewing Co.
- FlyBye Farmhouse Saison
- Lookout American Pale Ale
Mother’s Brewing Co.
- Trop Top
- Snapback!
Narrow Gauge Brewing Co.
- DDH Fallen Flag
Perennial Brewing Co.
- On y Va
- Suburban Beverage
- Both Flowers & Weeds and the Gramophone
Rockwell Brewing
Schlafly Beer
- White Lager
- Coconut Crème Ale
- Paloma Gose
Wellbeing Brewing Co.