We’re half way to Oktoberfest, which means it’s time for Maifest.
Maifest is one of mankind’s oldest traditions – the celebration of nature’s bright reawakening after winter’s long, cold darkness. Traditional Maifest celebrations in Bavaria are never complete without Bock Biers, strong beers of German origin that are enjoyed during the spring transition from cold, snowy winters to balmy, sun-drenched summers along the northern Alps.
And who in St. Louis knows strong German beers better than Urban Chestnut? So let’s enjoy them all this weekend at the brewers annual Maifest 2017 celebration.
When: Saturday, May 13th from 12-10 p.m.
Where: Midtown Brewery & Biergarten (3229 Washington Ave)
Food: BBQ from UCBC and Southtown Pub, Salt and Smoke, and Vernon’s
Beer: A UCBC full Bock Bier lineup including their Earth Day Maibock, Gewässerschutz; Maximilian; their collaboration with Ommegang, Urbangang; and more
Music: Larry Hallar and Paul Bonn & the Bluesmen
Ticket Cost: $18 festival package includes a commemorative glass and 3 beer & food tickets
Individual beer & food tickets may be purchased for $6 at the event (beer and food must be redeemed with tickets)