Wait is over, Modern Brewery opens tasting room today

No fear and big ideas.  What else can you say about the local brewery who’s tap handles are adorned with light bulbs.  The “Big idea” today is that Modern Brewery,  the one year old beer maker is opening its tasting room today at its location at 5231 Manchester Ave.


The opening is slated for Friday afternoon around 4 p.m.

Modern brews what owner president and CEO Beamer Eisele described as “two genres” of beer, Belgian and American Craft styles.  But Modern isn’t stopping there.  With these two styles, they are creating what they call “Beer Fusion,” where they take what they like from both styles and blend them together.

Their “Fusion” model has resulted in a growing beer list, of which you should try tonight at the opening of the tasting room.

Modern Brewery Beer List

Citrapolis – IPA

7% ABV
70 IBU

Mon Precieux – Belgian Tripel / Golden Strong
7.8% ABV
34 IBU

Golf Bag Special – Hoppy Pilsner (LIMITED)
5.5% ABV
35 IBU

DeadPan – Double Pale Ale – (WINTER)
6.2% ABV
50 IBU

Clandestine – Belgian Brown – (FALL / WINTER)
6.8% ABV
24 IBU

LouDog – Pale Ale – (SUMMER)
5.5% ABV
34 IBU

Pig Island – American Wheat – (SUMMER)
5.0% ABV
32 IBU

Arkham’s Finest – American Stout – (FALL / WINTER)
8% ABV
55 IBU

Black IPA – Black IPA – (LIMITED)
6.5% ABV
50 IBU

McFly Rye Oatmeal Stout – Rye Oatmeal Stout – (LIMITED)
5.5% ABV
35 IBU

The Heeler – American Pale Ale
6.5% ABV
55 IBU

Napoleonic French Saison – French Saison – (LIMITED)
7.75% ABV
30 IBU

Dew Brew – American Golden Ale
5.5% ABV
35 IBU
Green Goliath – Double IPA – (LIMITED)
9% ABV
90 IBU

Barrel Aged Arkham’s Finest – Rye / Bordeaux Barrel Aged American Stout – (LIMITED)
8.5% ABV
55 IBU

The Prince – Barrel Aged Saison – (LIMITED)
6.2% ABV
22 IBU

Le Tete de Demon – Barrel Aged Belgian Tripel / Golden Strong – (LIMITED)
Coming Soon

Ulysses – Imperial Stout – (LIMITED)
Coming Soon